आज्ञाधारक आरुणि

आज्ञाधारक आरुणि

Mahabharat 1st Khanda, Paushya Parva, 3rd Chapter

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे कश्चिदृ‌षिर्धोम्यो नामायोदस्तस्य शिष्यास्त्रयो बभूवुरुपमन्युरारुणिर्वेदश्चेति ।। २१ ।।
स एकं शिष्यमारुणिं पाञ्चाल्यं प्रेषयामास गच्छ केदारखण्डं बधानेति ।। २२ ।।
स उपाध्यायेन संदिष्ट आरुणिः पाञ्चाल्यस्तत्र गत्वा तत् केदारखण्डं बद्धे नाशकत् । स क्लिश्यमानोऽपश्यदुपायं भवत्वेवं करिष्यामि ।। २३ ।।
स तत्र संविवेश केदारखण्डे शयाने च तथा तस्मिंस्तदुदकं तस्थौ ।। २४ ।।
ततः कदाचिदुपाध्याय आयोदो धौम्यः शिष्यानपृच्छत् क्व आरुणिः पाञ्चाल्यो गत इति ।। २५ ।।
ते तं प्रत्यूचुर्भगवंस्त्वयैव प्रेषितो गच्छ केदारखण्डं बधानेति । स एवमुक्तस्ताञ्छिष्यान् प्रत्युवाच तस्मात् तत्र सर्वे गच्छामो यत्र स गत इति ।। २६ ।।
स तत्र गत्वा तस्याह्वानाय शब्दं चकार । भो आरुणे पाञ्चाल्य क्वासि वत्सैहीति ।। २७ ।।
स तच्छ्रुत्वा आरुणिरुपाध्यायवाक्यं तस्मात् केदारखण्डात् सहसोत्थाय तमुपाध्यायमुपतस्थे ।। २८ ।।
प्रोवाच चैनमयमस्म्यत्र केदारखण्डे निःसरमाणमुदकमवारणीयं संरोद्धुं संविष्टो भगवच्छब्दं श्रुत्वैव सहसा विदार्य केदारखण्डं भवन्तमुपस्थितः ।। २९ ।।
तदभिवादये भगवन्तमाज्ञापयतु भवान् कमर्थं करवाणीति ।। ३० ।।
स एवमुक्त उपाध्यायः प्रत्युवाच यस्माद् भवान् केदारखण्डं विदार्योत्थितस्तस्मादुद्दालक एव नाम्ना भवान् भविष्यतीत्यपाध्यायेनानुगृहीतः ।। ३१ ।।
यस्माच्च त्वया मद्वचनमनुष्ठितं तस्माच्छ्रेयोऽवाप्स्यसि । सर्वे च ते वेदाः प्रतिभास्यन्ति सर्वाणि च धर्मशास्त्राणीति ।। ३२ ।।
स एवमुक्त उपाध्यायेनेष्टं देशं जगाम। अथापरः शिष्यस्तस्यैवायोदस्य धौम्यस्योपमन्युर्नाम ।। ३३ ।।

21. There was a sage named Ayodadhaumya. He had three disciples named Upamanyu, Aruni and Ved.
22. One day he sent Aruni, a citizen of Panchal region, to go and bind the fields with a wall.
23. After listening to his Gurus orders, Panchalya Aruni went there, but could not bind the fields. He faced difficulties. At last he found a solution. “So that is what I should do”, he said to himself.
24. He entered directly in the field, and lied in there, due to which the water stopped flowing in the field.
25. After some time Ayodadhaumya guruji asked his disciples, “Oh! Where did Aruni Panchalya go?”
26. They said, “Guruji, you are the one, who sent him to bind the fields.” Hearing this, he said to the disciples, “Then let us all head to where Aruni has gone.”
27. Guruji headed there and started calling Aruni, “Hey Aruni! Where are you? Come here, child!”
28. Hearing his Guru’s word, Aruni immediately rose up from the fields and stood in front of Guruji with folded hands.
29. And he said to Guruji, “I am here in the fields. The water could not be stopped from flowing in the fields so I entered in the fields. After hearing you calling me, I broke the binding wall created by my lying down, and stood in front of you.”
30. “Thus, I bow down to you. Instruct me, on what I should follow?”
31. Guruji answered, “You broke the binding wall and stood up, and thus will be known as ‘Uddalak’ in the future.” Saying that Guruji blessed him.
32. He said, “You have followed my (Guru’s) orders so you will be very learned, you will learn all the Vedas and Dharmashastras”
33. Having heard the blessings, Aruni went to his destined country!


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