गणपती बाप्पाला दूर्वा का आवडतात?

गणपती बाप्पाला दूर्वा का आवडतात?

This story is referenced from the 63rd and 64th chapters of the Upasana section of Ganesh Puranas.

एकदा नारदोऽगच्छद्वासवं द्रष्टुमुत्सुकः ।।
पूजितः परया भक्त्या कृतासनपरिग्रहम् ।। ६ ।।
मुनिं पप्रच्छ बलहा दूर्वामाहात्म्यमादरात्।।

।। इंद्र उवाच ।।
किमर्थं देवदेवस्य गणेशस्य महात्मनः ।।
विशेषतः प्रिया ब्रह्मन् महादूर्वांकुरा मुने ।। ७ ।।

।। मुनिरुवाच।।
कथयामि यथाज्ञातं दूर्वामाहात्म्यमुत्तमम्।।

स्थावरे नगरे पूर्वं कौंडिन्योऽभून्महामुनिः ।। ८ ।।
उपासको गणेशस्य तपोबलसमन्वितः।।

रमणीयतरस्तस्य ग्रामदक्षिणमागतः ।। ९ ।।
आश्रमः सुमहानासील्लतावृक्षसमन्वितः।।
सरांसि फुल्लपद्मानि यत्रासन्सुमहांति च ।। १० ।।
भ्रमरैरुपजुष्टानि हंसकारंडकैरपि।।
चक्रवाकैर्बकैश्चैव कच्छपैर्जलकुक्कुटैः ।। ११ ।।
स तु ध्यानरतस्तत्र प्रारभत्तप उत्कटम् ।।
पुरः स्थाप्य महामूर्तिं गणेशस्य चतुर्भुजाम् ।। १२ ।।
सुप्रसन्नां सुवरदां दूर्वायुक्तां सुपूजिताम्।।
जजाप परमं मंत्रं षडर्णं देवतोषकम् ।। १३ ।।
पप्रच्छसंशयाविष्टा पत्नीनाम्नाश्रयास्य ताम्।।

।। आश्रयोवाच।।
स्वामिन्गजानने देवे दूर्वाभारं दिनेदिने ।। १४ ।।
समर्पयसिकस्मात् त्वं तृणैः कोऽपि न तुष्यति।।
अस्ति चेत् पुण्यमेतेन तन्मे त्वं कृपया वद ।।१५।।

।। कौंडिण्य उवाच।।
श्रुणु प्रिये प्रवक्ष्यामि दूर्वामाहात्म्यमुत्तमम्।।
धर्मस्य नगरे पूर्वमासीदुत्सव उत्तमः ।। १६ ।।
सर्वे देवाः सगंधर्वाआहूताश्चाप्सरोगणाः ।।
सिद्धचारणनागाश्च मुनयो यक्षराक्षसाः ।। १७ ।।
तिलोत्तमाय नृत्यंत्याः प्रावारान्येपतत् भुवि।।
ददर्श तस्याः रो न्ययमः कुचौ चारू बृहत्तमौ ।। १८ ।।
अभवत् कामसंतप्तो विश्रांतो निरपत्रपः।।
इयेषालिंगितुं तस्याश्चुंबितुं च तदाननम् ।। १९ ।।
सदसो निर्गतस्तस्माल्लज्जयाधोमुखोयमः।।
गच्छतस्तस्यरेतश्च स्खलितं पतितं भुवि ।। २० ।।
ज्वालामाल्यभवत्तस्मात् पुरुषो विकृताननः।।
कुर्वन्दंष्ट्रारवं क्रूरं त्रासयन् भुवनत्रयम् ।। २१ ।।
ददाह पृथिवीं सर्वां जटाभिर्गगनं स्पृशत्।।
चकंपे तस्य शब्देन त्रिलोकीमानसं भृशम् ।। २२ ।।
तदैव विष्णुमगमंस्ते तु सर्वे सभासदः ।।
स्तुतिं नानाविधां कृत्वा नानास्तोत्रैर्यथामति ।। २३ ।।
प्रार्थयामासुरव्यग्राः सर्वलोकहिताय तम्।।
स तैः सर्वैः समगमद्गजाननमनामयम् ।। २४ ।।
तस्य नाशं ततो ज्ञात्वा तुष्टुवुः सर्व एव तम् ।।

।। देवामुनयश्चोचुः।।
नमोऽविघ्नस्वरूपाय नमस्ते विघ्नहारिणे ।। २५ ।।
नमस्ते सर्वरूपाय सर्वसाक्षिन्नमोऽस्तुते।।
नमो देवाय महते नमस्ते जगदादये ।। २६ ।।
नमः कृपानिधे तुभ्यं जगत्पालनहेतवे।।
नमस्ते पूर्णतमसे सर्वसंहारकारिणे ।। २७ ।।
नमस्ते भक्तवरद सर्वदात्रे नमोनमः।।
नमस्तेऽनन्यशरण सर्वकामप्रपूरक ।। २८ ।।
नमस्ते वेदविदुषे नमस्ते वेदकारिणे।।
कमन्यं शरणं यामः को नु नः स्याद् भयापहः ।। २९ ।।
अकाल एव प्रलयः कथं लब्धो जनैरयम्।।
हा गजानन देवेश हा हा विघ्नहराव्यय ।। ३० ।।
सर्वेषां मरणे प्राप्ते कथमस्मानुपेक्षसे।।
इति तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा करुणाब्धिर्गजाननः ।। ३१ ।।
आविरासीत् पुरस्तेषां शिशुरूपोऽरिभीतिहा।।
बिभ्रत् कमलनयने शतचंद्रनिभाननम् ।। ३२ ।।
कोटिसूर्यप्रभाजालः कोटिकंदर्पजिद्वपुः ।।
कुंदकुड्भलशोभाजिद्दशनोधरबिंबजित् ।। ३३ ।।
उन्नसो भृकुटीचारुनयनः कंबुकंठयुक्।।
विशालवक्षा जानुस्पृग्भुजद्वययुतो बली ।। ३४ ।।
रंभाशोभापरिस्पर्द्धिगुरूरुश्चारुजानुयुक् ।। ३५ ।।
नानालंकारशोभाढ्यो महार्घवसनावृतः ।। ३६ ।।
एवं देवं निरीक्ष्यैव नगरस्य पुरोभुवि।।
उत्तस्थुर्देवमुनयो जयशब्दपुरःसरम् ।। ३७ ।।
प्रणेमुर्दंडवद् भूमौ शक्रं देवगणा यथा ।।

।। देवाऋषय ऊचुः।।
को भवान्कुत आयातः किं कार्यं वद नो विभो ।। ३८ ।।
वयमेवं विजानीमो ब्रह्मैव बालरूपधृक्।।
अनलासुरसंत्रासात्त्यक्त्वा कर्माणि संस्थितान् ।। ३९ ।।
आविर्भूतं तु नस्त्रातुं दुष्टसंहारकारकम् ।।
इति तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा शिशुरूपी गजाननः ।। ४० ।।
बभाषे हास्यवदनः सर्वान्देवमुनीन्प्रति।।

।। बाल उवाच ।।
भवंतो ज्ञानसंपन्ना यदुक्तं सत्यमेव तत् ।। ४१ ।।
अहं तस्य वधायैव दुष्टस्य परपीडिनः ।।
निजेच्छया बालरूपी वेगेनागां सुरर्षयः ।। ४२ ।।
उपायं वच्मि वस्तस्य वधे तं कुरुतानघाः।।
सर्वैर्भवद्भिस्तं दृष्ट्वा नोदनीयो बलादहम् ।। ४३ ।।
द्रष्टव्यं कौतुकं तस्य मम चैव महत्तरम्।।
एवं श्रुत्वा कृपावाक्यं सर्वे ते हर्षनिर्भराः ।। ४४ ।।
ऊचुः परस्परं सर्वे न जानीमोऽस्य पौरुषम् ।।
ईश्वरो बालरूपेण कर्तुमस्यवधं नु किम् ।। ४५ ।।
अवतीर्णो भवेत्त्रातुं पीडितं भुवनत्रयम्।।
इत्थमुक्त्वा तु ते सर्वे प्रणेमुः सादरं च तम् ।। ४६ ।।
एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु कालानलस्वरूपधृक् ।।
दहन्दशदिशो भक्षन्नरलोकं समाययौ ।। ४७ ।।
कोलाहलो महानासील्लोकानां क्रंदतां तदा।।
दृष्ट्वैव सर्वे मुनयः पलायनपरा ययुः ।। ४८ ।।
तं च ते मुनयः प्रोचुः शीघ्रं कुरु पलायनम्।।
नोचेध्दिंसिष्यते त्वाद्य सुमहाननलो ध्रुवम् ।। ४९ ।।
तिमिंगिलो यथा मीनानुरगान्गरुडो यथा ।।
इति तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा परमात्मागजाननः ।। ५० ।।
बालरूपधरोऽतिष्ठत्पर्वतो हिमवानिव।।
सुरर्षयो ययुर्दूरात्त्यक्त्वा तत्रैव बालकम् ।। ५१ ।।
इतिश्रीगणेशपुराणे उपासनाखंडे दूर्वामाहात्म्ये त्रिषष्टितमोऽध्यायः ।।६३।।

।। आश्रया उवाच ।।
देवर्षिषु प्रयातेषु बाले चाचलवत्स्थिते ।।
किमासीत्कौतुकं तत्र बालकालानलोद्भवम् ।। १ ।।
तत्सर्वं विस्तरान्मह्यं कथयाशु महामुने।।

।। नारद उवाच ।।
एवं तयाकृतप्रश्नः कौंडिन्यो मुनिसत्तमः ।। २ ।।
यदब्रवीच्छचीभर्तस्तत्त्वं शृणु मयोदितम्।।

।। कौंडिन्य उवाच ।।
अचलाचलवद्बाले स्थिते तस्मिन्गजानने ।। ३ ।।
कालानल इवाक्षोभ्य आययौ सोऽनलासुरः ।।
तस्मिन्क्षणे चला वापि चचालाचलसंयुता ।। ४ ।।
निपेतुर्वृक्षशाखाभ्यः पक्षिवृंदानि भूतले ।। ५ ।।
निर्वारिर्वारिधिर्जातो वृक्षा उन्मूलितास्तदा ।।
प्रकंपनेन महता न प्राज्ञायत किंचन ।। ६ ।।
तस्मिन्नेव क्षणे देवो बालरूपी गजाननः ।।
दधारानलरूपं तं दैत्यं मायाबलेन हि ।। ७ ।।
प्राशत्सर्वेषु पश्यत्सु जलधिं कुंभजो यथा।।
ततः सोऽचिंतयद्देवो यद्ययं जठरेऽगतः ।। ८ ।।
दहेत्त्रिभुवनं कुक्षौ दृष्टमाश्चर्यमुत्कटम्।।
ततः शक्रो ददौ चंद्रं तस्य वह्नेः प्रशांतये ।। ९ ।।
भालचंद्रेति तं देवास्तुष्टुवुर्मुनयोऽपि च।।
तथापि न च शांतोऽभूदनलः कंठमध्यगः ।। १० ।।
ततो ब्रह्मा ददौ सिद्धिबुद्धी मानसकन्यके।।
रंभोरू पद्मनयने केशशैवलसंयुते ।। ११ ।।
चंद्रवक्त्रेऽमृतगिरौ कूपनाभी सरिद्वली ।।
मृणालमध्ये प्रवालहस्ते शैत्यस्य कारणे ।। १२ ।।
उवाचेमे समालिंग्य तव शांतोऽनलो भवेत्।।
तयोरालिंगने शांतः किंचिदेव हुताशनः ।। १३ ।।
ददौ सुकोमलं तस्मै कमलं कमलापतिः ।।
पद्मपाणिरिति प्रोचुस्तं सर्वे सुरमानुषाः ।। १४ ।।
अशांताग्नौ तु वरुणः सिषेच शीतलैर्जलैः।।
सहस्रफणिनं नागं गिरिशोऽस्मै ददावथ ।। १५ ।।
तेन बद्धोदरो यस्माद व्यालबद्धोऽदरो भवत्।।
तथापि शैत्यं नापेदे कंठोऽस्यानलसंयुतः ।। १६ ।।
अष्टाशीतिसहस्राणि मुनयस्तं प्रपेदिरे ।।
अमृता इव दूर्वास्ते प्रत्येकं सेकविंशतिम् ।। १७ ।।
आरोपयन्मस्तकेऽस्य ततः शांतोऽनलो भवत् ।।
तुतोष परमात्मासौ दूर्वांकुरभरार्चितः ।। १८ ।।
एवं ज्ञात्वा तु ते सर्वे पुपूजुस्तं गजाननम् ।।
दूर्वांकुरैरनेकैस्तैर्जहर्षासौ गजाननः ।। १९ ।।
उवाच च मुनीन्देवान्मत्पूजा भक्तिनिर्मिता।।
महती स्वल्पिका वापि वृथा दूर्वांकुरैर्विना ।। २० ।।
विना दूर्वांकुरैः पूजाफलं केनापि नाप्यते।।
तस्मादुषसि मद्भक्तैरेका वाप्येकविंशति ।। २१ ।।
भक्त्या समर्पिता दूर्वा ददातियत्फलं महत्।।
न तत्क्रतुशतैर्दानैर्व्रतानुष्ठानसंचयैः ।। २२ ।।
तपोभिरुग्रैर्नियमैः कोटिजन्मार्जितैरपि।।
प्राप्यते मुनयो देवा यद्दूर्वाभिरवाप्यते ।। २३ ।।

63rd Chapter
Narad, who was eager to meet Indra, once went to him. He was welcomed and adulated with a lot of regard. After he took his seat, Indra asked Narad about the importance of durva grass with great reverence. Indra asked, “Muni, kindly tell us why the God of Gods Ganesh is so fond of Durvankur?” Naradmuni explained,
“Let me tell you whatever I know about the greatness of this special grass. There once lived a great sage named Kaudinya. 9.10. He was a devout worshipper of Ganesh. He possessed the power of penance. He used to live in a large, delightful abode (ashram) which was to the south of the village. It was surrounded by beautiful lakes dotted with several blossoming trees.
The lake was inhabited by a diverse fauna such as swans, cranes, eagles, ducks, turtles and watercocks. 12.13. However, Kaudinya Muni was deeply engrossed in his meditative state. He had placed a Ganesh idol in front of him and was chanting a mantra to please the Gods. He adorned that idol with durva grass and worshipped it with immense delight.
14.15. Muni’s wife, Ashraya posed a question to him,
She said, “Why do you always shower Lord Ganesh’s idol with so many durvas? Has anyone ever been satisfied with grass? If you know of any merits of using this, please enlighten me.”
Kaudinya expressed,
“My darling! Allow me to explain to you the importance of durvas and why they’re so special. There was once a huge celebration in the land of Yamadharma.
All the deities, musicians, dancers, holy men, demigods and even the demons had graced the occasion. While Tilottama was dancing, the top portion of her clothing came off exposing her body. Yamraj happened to see this. His lustful desire awoke and he was extremely aroused by this. He got up from his seat and went towards her to embrace and kiss her. He was embarrassed and walked out of the assembly after he couldn’t contain his emotions and therefore ejaculated. From his semen on the ground, an evil man with a deformed face and devilish teeth suddenly appeared. His body was filled in flames. He was out to set the Earth ablaze and his fiery tresses were so long they could touch the sky. His voice sent shivers down everyone’s spine in Trilok. 23.24. Then, all the deities in the assembly diverted their paths to Lord Vishnu. They prayed to him with different hymns and chants and pleaded him to save the world from collapsing. Lord Vishnu took all of them to the ever affable and radiant Lord Ganesh.
They understood and agreed that the destruction of this demon was indeed at the hands of Lord Ganpati and sang praises for him. The deities and sages together said, “Salutations to the God who is the remover of all obstacles and who takes all burdens of his devotees away!”
“The omnipresent Lord, the beginning of this universe, we bow down to you! You are the creator and operator of this universe; you eliminate darkness and bring prosperity into everyone’s lives, please accept our prayers. The only place we seek refuge in, sweet Lord, the giver of all our blessings, we acknowledge your presence in our lives. You are the very origin of all vedas. Oh, wise Lord, who else would we go to with our troubles?” How did this unfortunate catastrophe dawn upon us? Why did we get plagued with this destruction? Please, Lord, tell us how! 32. All our lives are in danger. Dear Lord, show us your mercy!” Hearing these words, the magnanimous Gajanan, the destroyer of all evil, appeared in front of them in the form of a little child. His eyes seemed like lotus buds and his face had the glow of a hundred moons.
He looked like a dream and it was hard to take one’s eyes off of him. He appeared other-worldly, radiant and absolutely invincible. He had a sharp nose, attractive eyes and brows, arched neck, rounded shoulders thumping chest and strong, slender arms. From the navel on his stomach to the knees and his legs, every inch of his body was as though carved out with precision. That little child who was adorned with many ornaments and attractive clothing looked attractive as ever. The deities and sages were baffled to see the most beautiful form of God and hailed him with every honour.
The sages and deities bowed to him and asked him in amazement- “Oh majestic Lord, who are you and what brings you here?” 40. 41. We have been told that the destroyer of evil is going to metamorphose into a young child and arrive here to save our land and our tribe. Is that true?” Listening to the deities and sages, little Gajanan expressed: you seem very informed and knowledgeable already, whatever you’ve heard is true.”
“My dear ones! I transformed myself into a child and came here as fast as I could to put an end to all the unworldly havoc being caused by that malicious demon. I have just the right solution that will finish him once and for all. I will show you the way but you all must cooperate with me.
You’ve already witnessed his destructive might but you’ll know be a spectator of how I bring him down with my power.” Everyone was happy and relieved to hear these words of reassurance. 45.46. They were overcome with emotions and waited with bated breaths to see the magic of God unfold.
Just then, the blazing demon arrived there leaving trails of fire wherever he touched. People were terrified to see him there and they ran helter- skelter leading to a massive pandemonium amongst everyone. Some of the sages managed to escape the scene. 50 .51. They even begged Lord Ganesh to run away. They compared the demon named Analasur to a predator like a shark or an eagle.
But, the Supreme soul Gajanan stood there in a resolute manner, unwavered by the chaos around him. However, the sages and deities abandoned the little baby (Ganesh) and fled from the scene.

(The sixty third chapter in Ganesh Purana called Durvamahatmya ends here)
64th Chapter
Narad said- “Oh Indra! Listen carefully now, I will tell you the whole story.” So, as baby Gajanan stood there steadily and unflinchingly like a rock, right then, the evil Analasur arrived. His mere presence would make all the creatures around him tremble with fear. Even the birds fell off the branches of the tree with his loud thunderous noise. His impact made the water bodies dry up and the flowers wither. Everything was a mess. In that moment, Gajanan who had taken the form of a little child captured the fiery devil Analasur.
9. Just as sage Agastya swallowed the sea, Gajanan swallowed that demon whole. However, since the demon was a walking fireball, the flames had now entered Ganesh’s body. So, everyone thought of different ways to put the fire out. Lord Indra gave Ganesh the moon to cool him down.
10. Seeing this, everyone started praising him by the name ‘Bhalchandra’, However, it hadn’t succeeded in putting the fire down.
11. 12. Meanwhile, Lord Brahma granted him his two daughters- Buddhi and Siddhi. They were both extremely beautiful and possessed the most calming and soothing qualities.
13. Lord Brahma guided Ganesh to come and embrace his two daughters in the hope that it helps in preserving him to his original state and bringing the fire down. It did help in cooling him down but only to an extent.
14. Lord Vishnu graced him with a lotus flower. Now, everyone gave him a new name and called him Padmapani with great honour.
15. Even then, the fire burning within him wasn’t let down. So, Varuna (the God of sky and water) started showering rain on him. Lord Shiva handed him a snake with a thousand heads. (Snakes are known for their cooling properties)
16. He tied that like a rope around his waist. That’s when the fire burning within him was brought down a bit more.
17.18. A group of 80 thousand sages and saints approached Lord Ganesh and they all offered him a set of 21 durvas by laying them on his forehead.
Those durvas acted like a magic potion. The burning flames were instantly put out because of the magical durvas. This made Lord Ganesh very happy and satisfied.
Upon witnessing the greatness of durva with their own eyes, everybody gathered around and worshipped the lord with more durvankurs. Lord Ganesh was extremely pleased with the gesture. He declared, “From now on, any prayer/ puja that you do, big or small will only hold value if it’s done with these durvankurs.
A puja performed without durvas will go in vain and won’t bear fruition. So, I urge my devotees to offer at least 1 or a set of 21 durvas every morning at puja/prayer. The results of offering a simple durva every day would be even more immense and wonderful than those achieved after sacrifices and penances or rigorous rituals followed by great men.”


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