कृष्ण बाप्पानं खेचलं भलं मोठं उखळ!

कृष्णानं खेचलं भलं मोठं उखळ!

This story is originally from Shrimadbhagwatpuran Tenth Skandha and Ninth Adhyay

एकदा क्रीडमानास्ते रामाद्या गोपदारकाः ।
कृष्णो मृदं भक्षितवानिति मात्रे न्यवेदयन् ।।३२
सा गृहीत्वा करे कृष्णमुपालभ्य हितैषिणी ।
यशोदा भयसम्भ्रान्तप्रेक्षणाक्षमभाषत ।। ३३
कस्मान्मृदमदान्तात्मन् भवान् भक्षितवान् रहः ।
वदन्ति तावका ह्येते कुमारास्तेऽग्रजोऽप्ययम् ।।३४
श्रीकृष्ण उवाच नाहं भक्षितवानम्ब सर्वे मिथ्याभिशंसिनः ।
यदि सत्यगिरस्तर्हि समक्षं पश्य मे मुखम् ।।३५
यद्येवं तर्हि व्यादेहीत्युक्तः स भगवान् हरिः ।
व्यादत्ताव्याहतैश्वर्यः क्रीडामनुजबालकः ।।३६
सा तत्र ददृशे विश्वं जगत् स्थास्नु च खं दिशः ।
साद्रिद्वीपाब्धिभूगोलं सवाय्वग्नीन्दुतारकम् ।। ३७
ज्योतिश्चक्रं जलं तेजो नभस्वान् वियदेव च ।
वैकारिकाणीन्द्रियाणि मनो मात्रा गुणास्त्रयः ।।३८
एतद् विचित्रं सह जीवकाल-
स्वभावकर्माशयलिंगभेदम् ।
सूनोस्तनौ वीक्ष्य विदारितास्य
व्रजं सहात्मानमवाप शंकाम् ।।३९
किं स्वप्न एतदुत देवमाया किं वा मदीयो बत बुद्धिमोहः ।
अभो अमुष्यैव ममार्भकस्य यः कश्चनौत्पत्तिक आत्मयोगः ।।४०
अथो यथावन्न वितर्कगोचरं
चेतोमनः कर्मवचोभिरंजसा ।
यदाश्रयं येन यतः प्रतीयते
सुदुर्विभाव्यं प्रणतास्मि तत्पदम् ।।४१
अहं ममासौ पतिरेष मे सुतो
व्रजेश्वरस्याखिलवित्तपा सती ।
गोप्यश्च गोपाः सहगोधनाश्च मे
यन्माययेत्थं कुमतिः स मे गतिः ।।४२
इत्थं विदिततत्त्वायां गोपिकायां स ईश्वरः ।
वैष्णवीं व्यतनोन्मायां पुत्रस्नेहमयीं विभुः ।।४३
सद्योनष्टस्मृतिर्गोपी साऽऽरोप्यारोहमात्मजम् ।
प्रवृद्धस्नेहकलिलहृदयाऽऽसीद् यथा पुरा ।।४४
त्रय्या चोपनिषद्भिश्च सांख्ययोगैश्च सात्वतैः ।
उपगीयमानमाहात्म्यं हरिं सामन्यतात्मजम् ।।४५
नन्दः किमकरोद् ब्रह्मन् श्रेय एवं महोदयम् ।
यशोदा च महाभागा पपौ यस्याः स्तनं हरिः ।।४६
पितरौ नान्वविन्देतां कृष्णोदारार्भकेहितम् ।
गायन्त्यद्यापि कवयो यल्लोकशमलापहम् ।।४७
श्रीशुक उवाच
द्रोणो वसूनां प्रवरो धरया सह भार्यया ।
करिष्यमाण आदेशान् ब्रह्मणस्तमुवाच ह ।।४८
जातयोर्नो महादेवे भुवि विश्वेश्वरे हरौ ।
भक्तिः स्यात् परमा लोके ययाञ्जो दुर्गतिं तरेत् ।।४९
अस्त्वित्युक्तः स भगवान् व्रजे द्रोणो महायशाः ।
जज्ञे नन्द इति ख्यातो यशोदा सा धराभवत् ।।५०
ततो भक्तिर्भगवति पुत्रीभूते जनार्दने ।
दम्पत्योर्नितरामासीद् गोपगोपीषु भारत ।।५१
कृष्णो ब्रह्मण आदेशं सत्यं कर्तुं व्रजे विभुः ।
सहरामो वसंश्चक्रे तेषां प्रीतिं स्वलीलया ।।५२
इति श्रीमद्भागवते महापुराणे पारमहंस्यां संहितायां दशमस्कन्धे पूर्वार्ध विश्वरूपदर्शनेऽष्टमोऽध्यायः ।।८।।।। १० ।।

Nand’s spouse Yashoda sat down to churn the butter herself one day as all the other women in her support staff were busy with different chores. As she churned the butter, she sang songs of baby Krishna that celebrated his glory and all his naughty but endearing little mischiefs. Yashoda looked like an ethereal beauty draped in silk. She wore a silver belt around her curvaceous waist. Her breasts were dripping with milk as she thought of her baby that she loved so dearly. Her body had started trembling. The hand movements of churning butter were making her bangles and earrings swing back and forth too. All that churning had made her weary. Her face had drops of perspiration. The flowers in her hair had started to come off slightly. But despite all this, her hands didn’t stop churning. Baby Krishna saw his doting mother and he immediately felt hungry for her milk. He went up to her, took away her whisk and made her stop her churning. Yashoda instantly obliged. She grabbed little Krishna, cupped him up in her lap and started to nurse him with her milk. She stared at his beautiful, smiling face- oblivious to everything around her. She got so lost in her son that she even forgot to turn off the heat on the milk that was beginning to pour out of the stove. She rushed outside to check on the boiling milk, leaving Krishna halfway in his feed, hungry and asking for more. A furious Krishna began to bite his lips with his teeth, shaking with anger. He smashed the pot of butter with a large stone. With false tears in his eyes, he went in and secretly ate the butter. Meanwhile, Yashoda took the vessel of milk down from the heat and she came back to her baby. Finding the pot of butter broken and seeing the butter spilled all across the floor, she immediately knew it was Krishna’s doing. But he was nowhere to be seen. She looked around for him. And there he was, standing atop the giant mortar generously feeding the monkeys, with all that butter which he was playfully sneaking in from the hanging pot. Yashoda spotted her son and she went to get him with a stick in her hand. Krishna saw his mother coming and was frightened when he noticed the stick in her hand. He immediately climbed down and started running away from her whereas Yashoda went chasing after him. She was trying to chase the same Krishna who is far out of reach of everyone, the Krishna that even the greatest of great Yogis cannot attain.
However, after chasing him around for a while, Yashoda started feeling drained and her fatigue slowed her down. Her muscles started to ache and her body eventually gave up but she finally caught hold of Krishna. Realizing his mistake, Krishna started sobbing. He began to rub his eyes making the kohl in his eyes to smear. Yashoda looked at a frightened and weeping Krishna and she wanted to reprimand him for his mistake. However, when she saw how scared he already was, she mellowed down. She threw the stick away and went to get a rope instead to tie him, completely unaware of his immense might. She thought of Krishna as just another ordinary little boy, when he was actually the mightiest of the mighty, the all-encompassing supreme power, the beginning and end of this universe or rather the universe itself. And here she was, tying the Almighty to a giant mortar. Although, when she did go to tie him up, she realized her rope wasn’t long enough. So, she connected it to another rope to make it longer. But alas! That wasn’t enough too. It was still two inches short. She tried yet another one which seemed long but the moment she put it around Krishna’s waist, it started to shrink. This kept happening repeatedly with every new rope she would get. She kept bringing new ropes and connecting them to each other but nothing worked. Seeing this, the Gopikas around her chuckled. Yashoda herself was amused by this whole incident and felt rather surprised. But Krishna, being the gentle soul that he was, couldn’t see his mother troubled. He saw how Yashoda was soaked in sweat and her face had turned pale so he voluntarily tied himself up. That was Krishna’s way of showing his love and care for his devotees, even if he is the ruler of the whole universe. Brahma, Shankar, Lakshmi- none of the great Gods were blessed with Krishna. This special blessing only came for Yashoda. Krishna was the embodiment of grace, of selflessness and humility- he wasn’t within the reach of even the highly enlightened souls, but he would easily come for his devotees first. Seeing his mother busy with chores, Krishna went out in the yard and saw two ArjunVriksha (special trees) who were supposed to be King Kuber’s sons. Nalkuber and Maanigriv were their names. Their wealth and glory went to their heads one day so Naarad cursed them and turned them into trees. The ninth chapter of the first half of the Dasamskandha of the Srimad Bhagavata Purana ends here.
Chapter 10. Shri Hari slowly started inching towards the two Arjun Vriksha to make the curse of Naarad, who was the greatest devotee of the Lord, come true. He went in between the two trees by himself and pulled the giant mortar behind him, uprooting the trees from their very base. The trunks, branches and leaves of those trees were shaken by the sudden shock, such was the strength of a tiny Krishna. Looking at this wonder, two enlightened and highly accomplished men appeared from within the tree, illuminating all four directions with their glorious radiance. They folded their hands, went down on their knees and bowed before the Almighty Lord.


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